Yvoire in Haute-Savoie

We came to Yvoire by boat from Nyon (see previous post).  What a picturesque, quaint medieval village Yvoire is!  The 14th century castle and fortifications are still standing, and the narrow streets are lined with workshops, restaurants, all decorated by flowers, lots of flower baskets.  But it is too perfect – so much so that it felt like a theme park or a movie set – it reminded me of the Shire in The Lord of the Rings.  Our visit was on a weekday and it was crawling with tourists.  I cannot imagine what the weekend would be like.  Apparently, it is one of Les Plus Beaux Villages de France (“The most beautiful villages of France”) which is an independent association, created in 1982, according to Wikipedia. The aim of this association to promote assets of small and picturesque French villages of quality heritage (tourist trap ? yes but there is nothing deceptive as the place lived up to the statement).

IT, who had been here before, went shopping.  To compensate for the lack of shopping during her last visit, she came back with bags of scented knickknacks, cushion-covers, blankets, …  etc.  I believe the shop above (“Coup de coeur”) was where she spent money.

The place even has a guitar busker.  A very nice half day indeed.

