World Expo 2015, Milano – part 1

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In October, we took a tour of Milan and Venice – to see the World Expo 2015 and the 56th International Art Exhibition (La Biennale di Venezia). IT joined us for the Venetian leg of the trip. Here are pictures of the Expo 2015.


The line to enter was not as bad as we thought but there were far too many people everywhere.



Pavilion Zero located at the main entrance provides an introduction to the Expo Milano 2015 Site.


Pavilion Zero takes the visitor on a captivating journey to explore how much humankind has produced, the transformation of natural landscape, and the culture and rituals of food consumption



The exhibition hall had many giant screens – talk about being immersive.


The official statistics indicate over 20 million visitors, more than 150 participants and about 5000 events held in 184 days.


Click this link to see all 52 pavilions built by the participating countries, and the 9 clusters which included exhibits by additional countries. One can explore further links to the specific exhibits inside each pavilion. There is really quite a lot to see at this site.

Germany – “where awareness is raised and transformed into action”


Much of what we have written below came from the official web site. So it may sound a bit “corporate”.

“Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” – Expo Milano 2015 offers an opportunity to reflect upon, and discuss, solutions to the contradictions of the world today.


Feed the Planet, Energy for Life”, was aimed to give concrete answers to the important issues such as sustainable development and food security.

USA –  “Food 2.0 depends on each one of us”


We came across a parade of giant fruits and vegetables mingling with stuffed animals.


We fed ourselves in the pavilion of Tunisia where a couscous bar was found. Nothing special on the menu. But we bought some Tunisian harissa.


Padiglione Italia: le cifre del successo – the host country’s pavilion


Tree of Life – there was a show of lights and water jets every hour – it must be spectacular at night.


UK – “Following the buzz of a bee is easily than expected”


Vietnam – “Beauty birthed from mud”


Skyline of the exhibition grounds. It was not a sunny day (thankfully) so the temperature was not unbearable.


More pictures to come in our next post.

