Wonderwood by Comme des Garçon


Comme des Garçon’s video for their new fragrance is done by The Brothers Quay.  It’s gotta be one of the creepier perfume advertisement out there.

Yet the video matches the brand.  Comme des Garçon’s line of fragrances are unconventional and always interesting.

This is an interesting covergence.  I like  “2” by Comme des Garçon.  It smells somewhat like a certain cabinet filled with aromatic Chinese medicines.

And back in the 1990’s, I really liked The Brothers Quay’s stop motion videos, e.g.,  The Epic of Gilgamesh and Street of Crocodiles.  Short clips of it were used as MTV station’s video jingles.  You will recognize it when you see it.

I am always curioys about the promotion of fragrances  – how does one convey the sensation of one sense (smell) by other senses (sight and sound, and touch if the container is included) ?  The task is even more difficult when each perfume contains a blend of many fragrances and every person will likey have a subjective impression of each of them.  And there are so many competing brands (including the designer’s own effort from last year) already in the market.

I would like to think of this promotion of Wonderwood as an antithesis of the promotion behind certain perfumes like Paris Hilton’s line of fragrances.  The promotion must have been successful as she has been marketing a new fragrance per year since 2004.  See the rest of her line of fragrances including two for men here !  The photo below shows her debut – the power of celebrity, they can sell anything, right ?  For more examples, see this wikipedia entry:  Celebrity-endorsed perfumes.

