vacation food porn #1-#4 recap

These pictures were previously posted on our sister blog at I just want to consolidate our vacation pictures here with a re-post. Sorry about the repetitions if you have seen these pictures already. The “vacation food porn” series is by no means near its end as we have a whole lot more dishes to share.

vacation food porn #1 – fettucine neri, squid, soft perfume of lime

vacation food porn #2 – mini-tamale-flan-gelato-sweet sweet corn

vacation food porn #3 – tomato consommé with stewed lamb ravioli

vacation food porn #4 – foie gras, yoghurt, honey, figs





3 responses to “vacation food porn #1-#4 recap”

  1. […] vacation food porn series (now up to #21), e.g.,  #1-4 recap. […]

  2. […] a while since I posted food porn – well, here are some links to my earlier food porn posts: our first food porn entry, Telepan in NYC, and DBGB.  Have a second […]