This is the 500th blog post !


The five hundredth post !   500th !

Can you believe it ? Frankly, I find it hard to believe that this blog has been continuing thus far.




Except in the first few months after the launch of the blog, there are usually 10-15 photos per post. Roughly, there must be nearly 5,000 uploaded photos now. What is sustaining it ? The blog must be serving some purposes – a way to stay in touch with families and friends, a public photo album, a kind of travel diary, or a creative outlet. Well, the photos on this blog has been pinned on Pinterest many times (particularly my picture of the Duomo in Milan).


Over the Loire



The maintenance of a personal blog is very much a 21st century hobby. According to WordPress’s statistics, the blog has managed to attract on average in the last year about 50 views per day. And I receive comments from you guys once in a while. You know who you are and thank you very much. With your comments, I know someone is reading and responding to the content, and it is not just some random hits sent by a search engine because of a key word match.


Sunrise at Mount Teton



I will continue with the blog but also start thinking about changing something. Possibly a different layout theme ? Perhaps I may post less frequently but write better and pick fewer but more striking photos, possibly in a larger format. Another change could be to diversify the topics. It has become very travel-oriented because photos are easy to accumulate and we enjoy traveling. In the beginning, it was a bit food-focused (food porn was “in” at that time). There were also some music-related posts and even one or two product reviews.


Chez Ron & Betty



Unfortunately, it takes time to make these changes and I don’t have much time to spare. May be I will stick with something minor – like adding a Pin it button or a share button for FB.





Any way, thank you for visiting and come back again. Do leave me a comment.


Buenos Aires ? (I cannot remember)



Cheers to more adventures !






One response to “This is the 500th blog post !”

  1. Susie Cheng Avatar
    Susie Cheng

    Congrats! Please keep posting. Let me know next time when you guys are in NY and may be we could meet up.