The Houses around Thunersee

While we were visiting Interlaken, we went on a cruise around Thunersee and posted about it here and here. We have so many pictures to post because the cruise took about two hours each way, a total of four hours  round trip. We sat lazily on the top deck, Sue staring into the distance and me snapping these pictures. Quite a carefree way to spend an afternoon.


The boat has a restaurant that seats 100’s – dinner cruise must be popular here …  but at night, I suspect there is hardly anything around the lake that is lit enough to be seen from the boat.


The views around Thunersee during the day are stunning – sky, mountain, boats, and water. The boat shown below is powered by steam. Ours run by diesel, I think.


There were many lake houses – all size and shapes – from huge modern homes to quaint little shacks. This is a beautiful home – lots of glass but no curtains, even the bathroom on the top floor!  It looked more like a furniture showroom. But the boat and canoe launches underneath the house are neat.


We wondered if some of these houses are only reachable by boat.


Just imagine spending a stretch of summer days here with a vineyard behind and the lake out in the front.


A shuttered lakefront hotel – the Hirschen – near one of the cruise stops.  The perfect haunted house – must be spooky at night … a party space for Halloween?


This is strictly speaking not a lake house because it sits next to the canal in Thun.


Some looked like toy houses.


Others are just traditional-looking.


Heading back home. We moved to the bow to see the entrance into the Interlaken canal. The wind picked up a bit and dark clouds appeared.


Back in Interlaken – end of cruise. The building on the left has something to do with hydroelectric power.


Now we want to try cruising on the other lake – Brienzersee. Next time in Interlaken.

