The Cube – one of my workspaces

The Cube is the brand new building that houses my employer’s research and development deaprtments, many of which were previously scattered in various parts of Europe.  My office is not in the Cube but I spend several days a week in here.  These pictures make the place looks like an evil, sinister laboratory where zombies break out or where James Bond fights a villainous army plotting to takeover the world.  In reality, they do take security super-seriously, i.e., facial scan and double doors that would not allow more than one person to pass at a time.

The Cube is located on the shore of Lake Neuchâtel.  The glass walls and ceiling act as a massive canopy under which are situated several mini-buildings, connected by one and other by inside footbridges.  It is a bit like the Winter Garden under the World Trade Center in NYC.  In the summer, a shallow reflecting pond is filled in front of the building (drained as shown) and lunch can be eaten al fresco.  A reading room with double height ceiling is located at the corner of the building on the higher floors.  There are also many coffee corners designed to encourage creativity and social interactions.   Brain teasers, logic games are placed in various public meeting spaces, where workers can chat, drink coffee and smoke.  It is a very well-designed space to work in.  Too bad I cannot take pictures inside.

