Tag: thailand

  • Wandering around the Grand Palace complex, Bangkok

    A must-do sightseeing spot in Bangkok – the Grand Palace. Built in 1782 at the same time Bangkok was made the capital of Siam by King Rama I. Although the King does not live here anymore, armed guards patrol the grounds. This garrison is located next to the entrance where people that are inappropriately dressed…

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  • Muay Thai at Chaweng Stadium, Ko Samui

    While we were in Ko Samui, we went to see a traditional Thai sport – Muay Thai. Sue was not keen but came along reluctantly. The event was held at Chaweng beach which is the main commercial area on the island. We were picked up at the hotel and were the first to arrive at…

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  • Hansar Resort, Ko Samui, Thailand

    We spent the last week of our Thailand trip on Ko Samui (or Koh Samui).  The choice was between Ko Samui or Phuket. [googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Chiang+Mai+Thailand&aq=0&oq=chiang+mai&sll=10.114556,99.829845&sspn=0.034855,0.055747&t=h&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Chiang+Mai,+Thailand&ll=9.564273,100.040388&spn=0.029623,0.043774&z=14&iwloc=A&output=embed&w=510&h=350] Hansar resort on Bophut beach (lying on the northern shore of the island) was our home for the week. The lobby area (if you can call it that) is open,…

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  • Chiang Mai Thai Cookery School

    Sue loves spicy food and I like mine spicy as well as sour – we are manifestly fans of Thai food. One of the things we wanted to do in Thailand was to attend a cookery school. So we booked ourselves a full-day cooking course. The Chiang Mai Thai Cookery School claims to be the first such school…

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  • Zipline through a Thai Jungle

    Wikipedia describes zipline as a pulley suspended on a cable, usually made of stainless steel, mounted on an incline. It is designed to enable a user propelled by gravity to travel from the top to the bottom of the inclined cable by holding onto, or attaching to, the freely moving pulley. We have never done…

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  • The Erawen Musuem, Samut Prakan, Thailand

    Bangkok was the second stop in our recent trip to Thailand. The Erawan museum is located in Samut Prakan, about an hour by train and taxi  from central Bangkok. We went to see its renowned giant three-headed elephant statute. Many of the explanations below came from Wikipedia. The Elephant of the Universe. This three-headed elephant…

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