Tag: neuchatel

  • Watchmakers Galore: Part 1

    Cartier We have been living in a part of Switzerland that calls itself the “Watch Valley”.  Many famous brands are located here – only the factories.  We were not looking for these watchmakers but they stand out –  because they are housed in neat modern buildings in small, quaint towns or villages in the countryside.…

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  • Bvlgari is here

    While we were driving on the east side of Neuchatel, we drove by a building with Bvlgari written on top.  It has a clock with the Bvlgari trademark bezel outside, we assumed that they makes Bulgari brand watches in that building.  After all, Neuchatel is in the heart of the watch-making region of Switzerland.  We passed Gucci…

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  • Descending Chaumont Video

    [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RopMEDv91Qc&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0] Here is a seven-minute video of the entire descent from Chaumont to La Coudre on the funicular railway.  Hope you enjoy the ride. The photos posted in the last few days were taken from this tower which is located next to the funicular station house.  At the top of the tower is a lookout…

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  • Panorama at Chaumont: Part 2

    [googlemaps http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=chaumont+neuchatel&sll=40.82315,-73.973964&sspn=0.013494,0.028989&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Chaumont+Neuch%C3%A2tel,+Canton+of+Neuch%C3%A2tel,+Switzerland&t=h&ll=47.018067,6.968079&spn=0.046813,0.087376&z=13&output=embed&w=510&h=400] The satellite map shows the La Coudre-Chaumont funicular railway (faint white line up the mountain) and the surrounding areas. The pictures show Neuchâtel downtown, football stadium (that happens to sit on top of the town’s only shopping mall – La Maladiere) and neighboring towns (last two photos) – Hauterive and St. Blaise.  These pictures…

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  • Panorama at Chaumont: Part 1

    First, this is my 100th post.  I was going to create a special post to commemorate this surprising event – but too busy in the last few days.  Frankly, I did not expect myself to keep up with posting on the blog so semi-regularly (once every 2 or so days) and for such a long…

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  • La Coudre – Chaumont Funicular Railway

    Funicular railways are common in Switzerland due to its hilly terrain.  I believe it is one of their favorite civil engineering activities beside building tunnels.  There are at least three funicular railways in Neuchâtel.  Two of them were used mainly for commuting to a higher part of town from the town center – nothing to write…

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