Tag: korea

  • A Taste of Korea at Incheon International Airport

    A Taste of Korea at Incheon International Airport

    This is the first of two posts on Korean food. Incheon International Airport, the gateway to Seoul, South Korea, offers a delightful introduction to Korean food for arriving travelers. Try “Butter” by BTS Incheon International, Terminal 2 During my last visit, I (Chris) found myself at Incheon Terminal 2 perusing the food court menus, in…

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  • Common Ground, Seoul, South Korea

    Common Ground, Seoul, South Korea

    I was on a business trip in Seoul last August and had some free time to explore the city – in Gwangjin-gu (광진구 · 廣津區) a district that is mostly residential, but consist not of apartment buildings characteristic of the city, but of three or four-story row houses separated by small roads and alleyways. It was dusk when…

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  • Our trips 2014 – part 2

    Our trips 2014 – part 2

    H a p p y  2015 ! Now that we are back from our year-end vacation, we are taking a look back at some of the places we visited last year. This is the second of two posts; Part 1 is here. The photos are organized in reverse chronological order. Some of the trips are business trips…

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