Tag: ko samui

  • Our 2013 trips – part 2

    Our 2013 trips – part 2

    * H A P P Y  *  N E W  *  Y E A R  * W i s h i n g  – y o u – a l l – t h e – v e r y –  b e s t – i n – 2 0 1 4  ! ! In 2013,…

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  • Ang Thong Marine National Park, Gulf of Thailand, part 2

    We went on two speedboat tours in the Gulf of Thailand on two consecutive days – the first day to see Ko Tao and Ko Nang Yuan and the second day to visit the Ang Thong Marine National Park (Ang Thong = “Golden Bowl”, see part 1 here). We were lucky because as you can see in the photos…

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  • Ang Thong Marine National Park, Gulf of Thailand, part 1

    Ang Thong Marine National Park, Gulf of Thailand, part 1

    During our stay on Ko Samui, we went on two speedboat tours of some of the neighboring islands. On the first tour, the highlight was snorkeling in the clearest waters around Ko Tao and Ko Nang Yuan (see earlier post here). On the second tour, the Ang Thong marine national park was our destination.   The…

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  • Muay Thai at Chaweng Stadium, Ko Samui

    While we were in Ko Samui, we went to see a traditional Thai sport – Muay Thai. Sue was not keen but came along reluctantly. The event was held at Chaweng beach which is the main commercial area on the island. We were picked up at the hotel and were the first to arrive at…

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  • Hansar Resort, Ko Samui, Thailand

    We spent the last week of our Thailand trip on Ko Samui (or Koh Samui).  The choice was between Ko Samui or Phuket. [googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Chiang+Mai+Thailand&aq=0&oq=chiang+mai&sll=10.114556,99.829845&sspn=0.034855,0.055747&t=h&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Chiang+Mai,+Thailand&ll=9.564273,100.040388&spn=0.029623,0.043774&z=14&iwloc=A&output=embed&w=510&h=350] Hansar resort on Bophut beach (lying on the northern shore of the island) was our home for the week. The lobby area (if you can call it that) is open,…

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  • Ko Tao and Ko Nang Yuan, Gulf of Thailand

    On the third leg of our Thailand trip, we went south to the third largest island of Thailand, Ko Samui (or Koh Samui).   Ko or Koh means island in Thai. Ko Samui is located on the “east” coast in the Gulf of Thailand. The better known island in Thailand, Phuket is on the “west” coast in…

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