Tag: kemer

  • Aerial views of Turkey

    The day we left Antalya, the sky was cloudless as you can see from these pictures taken from the plane.  The white rectangles are greenhouses for fruits and vegetables.  Antalya is the fruit basket of Turkey.  The mountains on the far side of Antalya are impressive as they go right out to the Meditteranean.  Kemer…

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  • Turkey food porn: Kemer

    All-inclusive resort buffet food à la Club Med- nothing special but it was fresh, healthy, well-presented and plentiful.  The fruits are exceptional – we had so much watermelon !  I also liked the make-it-yourself salad bar – basically baskets of vegetables and herbs, chopping board and knives … fresh parsley and dill with juicy tomatoes,…

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  • Entertainment at Club Med Kemer

    We spent a week at Club Med Kemer located in the southern mediterranean coast of Turkey.  One thing we did not find out until after we booked the trip is that this village is known for its party atmosphere.  Apparently, there was one every night, by the pool, near the bar, in the amphitheatre or…

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  • Club Med at Kemer, Turkey

    We had a really busy summer – first, moving from Neuchâtel to Lausanne, then a string of business trips, and then a big 3-month project which was due in the middle of September.  We did not have a summer vacation and just managed to take a few day trips when IT was visiting.   I really needed…

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