Tag: denmark

  • Designmuseum, Copenhagen

    Designmuseum, Copenhagen

    This is likely our last post on our visit to Copenhagen. Scandinavian design is very well respected, especially furniture, think Swedish Ikea – and at the high end, see our post on Illums Boligus. Designmuseum Danmark is Denmark’s largest museum for Danish and international design and a central exhibition forum for industrial design and applied…

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  • Carlsberg beer museum, Copenhagen – part 2

    Well, the arrival of 2016 interrupted the 2-part posts on the Carlsberg beer museum. This story took 2 years to complete ! Part 1 is here.  Continuing with the tour of the Carlsberg beer museum … The brand name Carlsberg combines the founder – J.C. Jacobsen’s son’s name – Carl with a variant of the Danish…

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  • Our trips 2015, part 1

    Our trips 2015, part 1

    Dear Readers, Happy New Year ! This is our first post of 2016. It is almost a tradition of this blog – the first post takes a look back at some of the places we visited last year. Click on links, where provided to read more about the places of interest. There are usually a series…

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  • Carlsberg beer museum, Copenhagen – part 1

    We have written up quite a few museums on this blog, for example, big glass boxes like the Der Moderne in Munich, the Islamic Art Museum in Kuala Lumpur, the Mushroom museum in Saumur inside a cave, or the rather odd Schaulager in Basel. There are all kinds of museums around the world, for example, the unexpected Museum of Broken Relations in Berlin which we…

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  • Den Blå Planet, Danemark – part 2

    Continuing with Den Blå Planet (the blue planet) in Copenhagen … See earlier post here … a few more photos of the building’s architecture. Futuristic without feeling cold, I may even say it looks organic, possibly because there were no right angles or sharp corners in sight. They have very few mammals but this pair…

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  • Alberto Giacometti’s skinny people @ Louisiana, Denmark

    Still about Denmark … The Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Denmark has a stunning collection of Alberto Giacometti’s sculptures. This is the third of a series of posts on this wonderful museum, click on the link to see part 1 and part 2. Alberto Giacometti is a Swiss, Paris-based artist, with sculpting being one…

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