Soul Kitchen, fine vegan dining in Turin

Soul Kitchen is located in Centro in Tuin (Torino) with an unassuming frontage on Via Santa Giulia. We walked there from our hotel.

One of our friends traveling from Lausanne with us to Torino in Northern Italy, is a vegan. He was so happy with this fine dining vegan restaurant that he went there a second time.

If you want to travel with us to Tusacany from the beginning, go to this post From Lausanne to Turin.

Soul Kitchen, a fine vegan dining establishment.

Soul Kitchen

When the restaurant was first mentioned, its name sounded a bit generic and American. Although the name is in English, there was nothing English about the restaurant or its menu.

One might have thought Soul Kitchen serves soul food but no! It is a 100% vegan restaurant. While the dishes were not Italian, the ingredients were.

Being quite excited about the idea of vegan fine dining, we ordered the 8-course tasting menu. Unfortunately, we forgot to ask for a copy of the menu and can only share photos here.

The presentation is top notch – color, luster, shapes and arrangement. Nothing on the plate betrays its vegan nature. And it tasted as good as it looked. We are not vegetarian let alone vegan, and we did not miss any of the flavors of animal origin.

No, that was not fish eggs (Ikura) in the little bowl (adjacent photo). I think they were transparent pearls made with alginate disguised with an orange-colored veloute.

Rarely would one see blue-colored food ,,,

Fine vegan dining in Turin, Italy, plus Nizurin.

We finished our 8-course dinner with a digestive called Nizurin – a liquor made with hazelnuts according to a traditional recipe. Very tasty.

This area of Italy – Piedmont is a major producer of hazelnuts. The world famous Nutella and Ferrero Rocher are made in Alba which is located only 60 km from Torino.

We will definitely go back to Soul Kitchen when we revisit Torino. Highly recommend.

If you like to follow us on this Italian road trip, click here for the next post.

