Russian art in Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val, part 5

In the last few posts, I have been putting up photos of Russian modern art that are on display in the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val (Третьяковская галерея на Крымском Валу) – a branch of the State Tretyakov Gallery. This is part 5, the last one – various sculptural pieces scattered around the gallery.

Don’t miss part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4.

ru art part 5-3

This is quite an iconic piece, I liked it – it somehow made me think of a Star Wars movie poster – even the postures are not the same.

ru art part 5-4

There are several that are very dynamic.

ru art part 5-1


ru art part 5-9


ru art part 5-2

Many animals were presented.

ru art part 5-15


ru art part 5-14

A few pieces invite the viewer to complete the scene mentally – clever and effective.

ru art part 5-8


ru art part 5-5


ru art part 5-11


ru art part 5-10


ru art part 5-12

Quite a few pieces used wood as the medium (see the cat and the dog above).

ru art part 5-6

Wish I could spend a little more time to look at each of the pieces but the museum was closing …

This post concludes my whirlwind tour of a great museum/gallery.


