Russian art in Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val, part 4

Several posts ago, I put up photos of Russian modern art that are on display in the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val (Третьяковская галерея на Крымском Валу) – a branch of the State Tretyakov Gallery. I have a couple more posts on this visit – this is part 4, and part one is here, part 2 here and part 3 here. I hope you enjoyed the posts so far, like the crowd in the painting below.

ru art pt 4-1

Rather than showing the art work chronologically, I pulled these pieces together because they appear to have an overall darker theme.
ru art pt 4-4


ru art pt 4-9

Some are more abstract than others.

ru art pt 4-12.

ru art pt 4-7


ru art pt 4-5

Some surrealistic.

ru art pt 4-6.
ru art pt 4-3

Some reflects societal issues ?
ru art pt 4-11.

ru art pt 4-8

Some political.

ru art pt 4-2.

ru art pt 4-10

All good stuff.

