Chris and Sue’s Excellent(?) Adventures

Been There … Done This

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  • Cafes, Bars & Brasseries of Paris, Part 9

    Cafes, Bars & Brasseries of Paris, Part 9

    This is the last post of a 9-part series in which we shared almost 100 photos of cafes, bars and brasseries at the street corners of Paris. These establishments attract residents and tourists alike to partake in the street life of the city. They offer a perch for one to soak in the energy of…

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  • Cafes, Bars & Brasseries of Paris, Part 8

    Cafes, Bars & Brasseries of Paris, Part 8

    Hope you all enjoyed watching the Olympic Games as much as we did (on TV). We think watching the various competition on television allowed us to watch certain games up close and comfortably, and to follow a wider range of the games. However, we can only imagine the excitement of being in Paris. The cafes,…

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  • La Grande Épicerie de Paris

    La Grande Épicerie de Paris

    This is the last post in a series about 3 Parisian retail establishments. The first post is on La Samaritaine, a reborn “grand magasin”, and the second on Merci, a concept store. La Grande Épicerie (LGE) is one of the finest food halls or delicatessens in the world, the flagship operating at Rue de Sèvres, Paris…

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  • Cafes, Bars & Brasseries of Paris, Part 7

    Cafes, Bars & Brasseries of Paris, Part 7

    Hope you are enjoying the Olympics games in Paris on TV or in person! The city must be packed full of athletes and spectators in addition to the summer tourists. The cafes, bars and brasseries at the street corners of Paris are filled with passion and atmosphere. Wish we can be there this summer. This…

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  • Merci at Le Marais, Paris

    Merci at Le Marais, Paris

    This is the second post in a series about 3 Parisian retail establishments. The first post is on La Samaritaine, a reborn “grand magasin”. Merci is a lifestyle concept store located at 111 Boulevard Beaumarchais, Paris 3, at the edge of Le Marais (Haute Marais). Upon entering, you’ll find a charming paved courtyard featuring an…

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  • La Samaritaine by the Seine, Paris

    La Samaritaine by the Seine, Paris

    During our last visit to Paris, we took numerous photos, and with the Paris Olympic Games now underway, this summer seems like the perfect time to share them on the blog. We will be uploading a series of posts focusing on three iconic Parisian retail establishments. Our first post will feature La Samaritaine, a reborn…

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Interesting Stories You May Like …

We have selected some related posts in the Archive
and put them in a gallery below to tell a story.
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The gallery will be refreshed regularly with new stories.

Jungfrau, a must-see in Switzerland

Venice, its canals and carriers

Familiar food we ate while in Tokyo

You will find embedded music in many posts like the song below. To listen to the entire song, you will need a Spotify subscription. But it is fun even to just play a sample of it.

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