Chris and Sue’s Excellent(?) Adventures

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  • Libreria La Flor de Papel, Santiago

    Libreria La Flor de Papel, Santiago

    La Flor de Papel (The Paper Flower) is a small bookstore located in Lastarria, a neighborhood in Santiago, the capital of Chile. This is the second of three posts on small, independent bookstores. The first in the series is here. Enjoy some music while reading Youtube or Spotify. La Flor de Papel While the store…

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  • Farewell… Mount Zero, Hong Kong

    Farewell… Mount Zero, Hong Kong

    Long-time readers of this blog know that we (especially Chris) like bookstores. The bookstores featured in this post and the next two share one common aspect: all three are independent and small. Enjoy a piano performance by the late Ryuichi Sakamoto while reading this post. Mount Zero Mount Zero Books (見山書店) is located in the…

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  • By This River (6 versions) – Eno, Moebius, Roedelius

    By This River (6 versions) – Eno, Moebius, Roedelius

    By This River appeared in the album “Before and After Science” by Brian Eno in 1977. The simple melody and lyrics of this song evokes sorrow and nostalgia. The music was composed by Brian Eno, Dieter Moebius and Hans-Joachim Roedelius – the last two being well known Krautrock artists. Brian Eno is an English musician,…

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  • Cafes, Bars & Brasseries of Paris, Part 1

    Cafes, Bars & Brasseries of Paris, Part 1

    The cafes, bars and brasseries at the street corners of Paris are magnetic. They attract residents and tourists alike to partake in the street life of the city. The patrons socialize, play with their phone, have a smoke, gossip, flirt, or simply enjoy a meal. These sidewalk establishments also offer a perch to watch the…

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  • A Closed and Common Orbit, The Wayfarer series #2

    A Closed and Common Orbit, The Wayfarer series #2

    A Closed and Common Orbit, published in 2016, is the second book in the Wayfarers series written by Becky Chambers. It was nominated for an Hugo Award in 2017. I (Chris) really enjoyed this simple story that is focused on self-awareness and nuanced emotions, without an overly dramatic plot and a dystopic world. It is…

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  • Jazzy Hyatt in Downtown Sacramento

    Jazzy Hyatt in Downtown Sacramento

    It was July 2022, we went to the California State Fair in Sacramento; it was the first time for both of us to attend any state fair. We also wanted to see a bit more of the city. So rather than a day trip, we turned this visit into an overnight stay. The hotel we…

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and put them in a gallery below to tell a story.
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Jungfrau, a must-see in Switzerland

Venice, its canals and carriers

Familiar food we ate while in Tokyo

You will find embedded music in many posts like the song below. To listen to the entire song, you will need a Spotify subscription. But it is fun even to just play a sample of it.

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