Our 200th post

Hudson and GW bridge from our old home in Edgewater

This is our 200th post – a small landmark !

Celebrating with a random collection of pictures and … Near Geneve

We also want to announce that our Links page is finally up.  It is in the top right hand corner of the page.  Scroll back up and look  → ↑ For those with sharp eyes, they may have noticed a change from “under construction” to “Links” about 2 week ago.  Go explore ! If you think there are other sites that is worth visiting, put them in the Comments section for sharing. Chinese New Year

Thanks for visiting.  I received the highest number of hits (108) recently, on March 2, 2011 with a post on the Michelin 2-star dim sum lunch at Zi Yat Heen in Macau.  Are all my readers foodies ? I haven’t use the word “food porn” for a while and people are still visiting. Old Macau

I am too lazy to do any statistics but readership has gone up to an average of 40-50 per day – one explanation could be because I have more indexed pages than before – but I much prefer to believe that it is due to the content which has attracted more readers. Berlin

Monday usually produces the bigger numbers – I suspect people spend more time browsing than working on a Monday.

I do have a lot more pictures to share and I will start traveling again – so this blog will continue …


One of the perennial favorites is a post about HSBC’s “Different Values” poster campaign which was posted sometime in spring of last year.

Dell Inside.

Posts about the books I read generally receive the least hits – thanks people – is that how you feel about my choice of reading material ?

Our building’s Christmas tree.

Ciao !

