Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Denmark – part 2

One of the most attractive aspect of the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art is its location by the Øresund Sound and how pieces of art have been naturally integrated into the landscape.

This is part 2, part 1 is here.


It was a real pleasure to stroll through the museum’s sculpture park, where works are harmoniously set in gardens and groves, and on a grassy bluff overlooking the water.


Across the sound is Sweden. Louisiana is private but receives 25% funds from the state and serves a big role in the cultural life of Danish citizen.


The museum’s buildings are connected by glass-enclosed corridors which shield the visitors from the cold weather (during the winter months, not while we were visiting) and allow the visitors to see the gardens and the sculptures.


In fact, the large rectangular windows effectively frame the pieces. There are about 60 pieces scattered about outside. Some are easily viewed, others almost hidden or blending in to the surroundings in an almost mysterious way.


Erected in a grassy area and facing the water is a large mobile by Alexander Calder. On the day we visited, the panels of primary colors (white, black, red) were swinging gently in the breeze, contrasting nicely against the blue sky.


Every one stopped here for a snack and coffee to enjoy the wide vista of the water.


It is really a place to spend an entire day – relaxing and viewing art. The museum recommends visiting the garden at different times in a year to see how the weather and the seasons makes for totally different experiences of the same sculptures. Well, you are experiencing the summer views with these photos.


A Richard Serra piece was embedded into the sides of a sloping path, where the path leads down from the lawn with the Calder mobile to the beach below.


Several pieces by Henry Moore are strategically placed.


The grounds are very inviting to visitors to explore, get lost and find calm.


We really like this place and would love to visit again (but not sure if we are brave enough to come back in winter).



