Los Angeles according to …

One day while I was in LA, I had a few hours in the afternoon to wander around in Koreatown. And I came across this graffiti-mural of Los Angeles. The five pictures here were taken in sequence from left to right.

The artist was looking north presumably from Koreatown, so Santa Monica is on the left. Oops, I think there is a little gap here. Tiny gap only (as you will see below). The bottom half of the mural is filled with wildstyle, cubist vegetation, and tags.

I don’t know the landmarks and geography of LA well enough to identify the freeways and buildings. Somebody please help me out (put them in Comments). The mural is panning from west to east.

And the mural ends at Dodger stadium with a blimp. Don’t know why the sky is yellow – perhaps it is meant to depict the scorching sun or smog.

The mural is located on Western Ave between Beverly and W1st. Well, I just found it on Google map.  With Google map, there is no need to travel physically anymore – see my earlier post relating to this point.
[googlemaps http://maps.google.ch/maps?f=q&source=embed&hl=en&geocode=&q=koreatown+Los+Angeles,+CA,+United+States&aq=&sll=34.030612,-118.264217&sspn=0.118931,0.209427&gl=ch&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Koreatown,+Los+Angeles,+California,+United+States&t=m&layer=c&cbll=34.074342,-118.309142&panoid=3H5J8mu4mcPqf-h4JMvKig&cbp=11,119.12,,0,1.18&ll=34.058082,-118.293571&spn=0.022328,0.048237&z=14&output=svembed&w=562&h=314]
A couple of blocks south on Western Avenue is a US Post Office named after Nat King Cole!  There is really much to be discovered on foot in LA.
If you want to see how New York looks according to …, check out my earlier post on a fantastic mural at East Houston Street, downtown, NYC.

