I am one year old !

My then new iMac

Dear readers, thank you for visiting.  This blog has been running for just a little bit over a year.  Happy Birthday to me.

This is the 170th post!  How did I manage? The first post was put up on November 4, 2009 – “Hello World” was just a test.  So was the second post.  Then came our First Post with content, which was followed by pictures and stories of our trip to Mexico – some were even posted during the trip.  And we continued …  If you are curious, please visit the 100th-day index which has a list of links to those early posts.

Edgewater stormfront

No.7 train

Initially, this blog was meant to be used for keeping in touch with our friends during our move and to capture my thoughts about leaving New York.  Well, it is now becoming a travelogue and a place to discuss my pet topics.  I am surprised that my interest in blogging has not waned. Partly due to my numerous local and foreign trips, I have a lot of photos to share.  Also, I found a comfortable “voice” and it is becoming easier to write.  But do excuse me if my prose come across as pompous or the content too self-indulgent. I don’t mean to take myself too seriously here.


Storm King

Here are some interesting statistics:  with 169 posts, we received 5,373 views, 245 comments from friends and strangers, and unfortunately 597 spams, i.e., roughly 1 spam per 9 views, 3 spams per post and 2 spams per comment.


The busiest day with 86 hits was logged by a food porn post about Sushi Taro on October 7, 2010.  Apparently, a blog about DC provided a link to my post on its front page on that day.

One of the perennial favorite here is the post about HSBC’s poster campaign “Different Values”.  That post published on December 19, 2009 has now been updated to provide links to pictures of additional HSBC posters on the blog.


Come back for more, and please tell me what you think.  Or try the “Like” button (of course, only if you liked it).

