Easter weekend: Lugano

The center of Lugano is Piazza Riforma (above and immediately below), the other end of Via Nassa. Because it was Easter (Pasqua as they call it), each of the many small piazzas have a market and they stayed open the entire weekend.  Via Nassa is very narrow but lined by nice shops in arcades.  The facades of the buildings on either side are very ornately decorated.  The whole town was very lively and packed with visitors.  Live music performance throughout the day.

There was a McDonald and a Burger King in the center of town.  McDonald was located inside a classy old-fashioned arcade with decor that looks more like a hotel then a fast food joint.  We did not eat there.  We had a coffee and a black forest gateau in Vanini (Piazza Riforma).

[googlemaps http://maps.google.ch/maps?client=safari&q=piazza+riforma+lugano&oe=UTF-8&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Piazza+della+Riforma,+6900+Lugano,+Tessin&gl=ch&ei=JJzcS-bWA8rzOauRsZgH&ved=0CAcQ8gEwAA&t=k&ll=46.003714,8.950918&spn=0.005962,0.010922&z=16&output=embed&w=510&h=400]

