Category: shopping

  • Wardah Books, Singapore

    Wardah Books, Singapore

    This is the last post in a series of three that is focused on small, independent bookshops. The first post is about Mount Zero in Hong Kong, and the second post is on La Flor de Papel in Santiago, Chile. Wardah Books Wardah Books is a bookshop specializing in books on Islam in the English…

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  • Libreria La Flor de Papel, Santiago

    Libreria La Flor de Papel, Santiago

    La Flor de Papel (The Paper Flower) is a small bookstore located in Lastarria, a neighborhood in Santiago, the capital of Chile. This is the second of three posts on small, independent bookstores. The first in the series is here. Enjoy some music while reading Youtube or Spotify. La Flor de Papel While the store…

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  • Farewell… Mount Zero, Hong Kong

    Farewell… Mount Zero, Hong Kong

    Long-time readers of this blog know that we (especially Chris) like bookstores. The bookstores featured in this post and the next two share one common aspect: all three are independent and small. Enjoy a piano performance by the late Ryuichi Sakamoto while reading this post. Mount Zero Mount Zero Books (見山書店) is located in the…

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  • Maestri di Fabbrica, Florence

    Maestri di Fabbrica, Florence

    While the main streets and piazzas of Florence are lined with shops by big international brands, it was refreshing and rewarding to explore the narrow streets and lanes of which Florence has plenty. If you like to join us on this epic road trip from the beginning in Switzerland, click here for the first post…

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  • Officina Profumo-Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella, Florence

    Officina Profumo-Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella, Florence

    While exploring the area around Florence’s train station, we wandered into this shop on Via della Scala without knowing what it is initially. There was a small group of tourists milling around an entrance underneath a huge bouquet of dried flowers. Click ▶ to play The outside of the building was unremarkable but as soon…

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  • Bookshop at Teatro Niccolini, Florence

    Bookshop at Teatro Niccolini, Florence

    Continuing with our exploration of Florence… We stumbled into this small bookshop in the neighborhood of our hotel (see our earlier post) in the heart of Florence. The bookshop is a part of Teatro Niccolini which is apparently the oldest theatre in Florence. If you like to join us on this epic road trip from…

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