Category: seaside & lakefronts

  • Lake Fudoike不動池, Kirishima Geopark 霧島ジオパークについて

    Lake Fudoike不動池, Kirishima Geopark 霧島ジオパークについて

    After so many posts about Venice and art, we will now turn to Japan where we spent our two-week winter vacation in February 2016. First, we are very sorry for the people of Kyushu, especially in the area around Mount Aso and Kumamoto who endured the earthquakes in April 2016 that caused deaths and a lot of…

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  • Buses, taxis & gondolas, part 3

    Buses, taxis & gondolas, part 3

    This is the last of five posts on the Grand Canal in Venice and water transport, and it is about the gondola and water taxis. Click for Part 3 and Part 4 of the Grand Canal series. For centuries the gondola was the chief means of transportation and most common vessel within Venice. There are just over four…

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  • Buses, taxis & gondolas, part 2

    Buses, taxis & gondolas, part 2

    This is Part 4 of a five-part series about the Grand Canal in Venice and the various types of vessels that we saw on the canals, beside buses, taxis and gondolas. Part 3 of the Grand Canal series is here. Music from Venice As the canals are the main thoroughfares for the city, most if not…

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  • Buses, taxis & gondolas, part 1

    Buses, taxis & gondolas, part 1

    This is part 3 of a series of 5 posts about the Grand Canal of Venice (Venezia). The city is made up of 118 islands and 150 canals. It is home to over 400 bridges and the only way to travel in this city is either on foot or by boat. Click here and here…

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  • Glacier 3000 in mid-summer, Les Diablerets

    Glacier 3000 in mid-summer, Les Diablerets

    This was a visit we made a while back with our friend YS who came in July. We went hiking on the first day to Lac Liosin (click here for great pictures of the mountain lake). And on the second day, we went to Les Diablerets.  Setting off from Leysin (where we stayed overnight), we drove back onto Route…

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  • Horizons of the Caribbean

    During Christmas 2013, we went on a cruise in the Caribbean. The sailing started from Miami and for 7 days, we visited several Caribbean islands. We also spent a few days at sea. The only thing in sight, 360 degrees, is the horizon. Here are some pictures of the horizon taken at different times of day and at…

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