Category: photos
Musée de Champignon, Saumur
Continuing with our visit of the Val de Loire … People in the area did not just live in caves (see our hotel in caves here and here), they use it to store wine and to grow mushroom. Apparently, more than half of the mushrooms cultivated in France come from this area and Anjou (just…
Random photos #71 – #75
These are photos I (Chris) took and posted on Facebook. The series was started in March of 2013. There is no theme – just something random and visually interesting. We gave each a title and noted where it was taken (to the extent we could remember the city). This set of five photos, I think…
Random photos #51- #55
These are the photos I (Chris) took and posted on Facebook. The series was started in March of 2013. There is no theme – just something random and visually interesting. We gave each a title and noted where it was taken (to the extent we could remember the city). #51 – marilyn – Paris #52…
Random photos #36 – #40
These are the photos I (Chris) took and posted on Facebook. The series was started in March of 2013. There is no theme – just something random and visually interesting. We gave each a title and noted where it was taken (to the extent we could remember the city). By the way, this post is…
Highlights of the Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2014
This is my last post on the Salone. I am sure many of you had seen enough of my furniture pictures on this blog. Just in case you want to start from the beginning, click here. Before I put up pictures of my trip in Kòln, Germany, here are some more stuff that I saw…
The classic section of the Salone Internazionale del Mobile
This is the penultimate blog post in this series on the Salone. The exhibition halls at the Salone that show furniture were divided into 3 sections: design, moderno and classico. The classico section occupied Hall 1 to 4. The distinction between the designer and modern sections were less clear cut, although the latter only occupied…