Category: food & drinks

  • Cafes, Bars & Brasseries of Paris, Part 5

    Cafes, Bars & Brasseries of Paris, Part 5

    Paris will be hosting the Olympics in the summer. The cafes, bars and brasseries will undoubtedly become hotspots for athletes, spectators and locals to see the games on screen and cheer for their country. In these places, sports fans aside, you’ll find a delightful mix of people: friends catching up, phone-absorbed millennials, smokers enjoying a…

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  • Jeju on Vancouver Island – Korean food in Tofino

    Jeju on Vancouver Island – Korean food in Tofino

    After our last post on food in Korea, here we introduce a surprising find in Tofino on Vancouver Island – Jeju, a Korean restaurant at a far-flung corner of North America. The name of the restaurant – Jeju 濟州, is the largest island of South Korea and an extremely popular destinations for South Koreans and…

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  • A Taste of Korea at Incheon International Airport

    A Taste of Korea at Incheon International Airport

    This is the first of two posts on Korean food. Incheon International Airport, the gateway to Seoul, South Korea, offers a delightful introduction to Korean food for arriving travelers. Try “Butter” by BTS Incheon International, Terminal 2 During my last visit, I (Chris) found myself at Incheon Terminal 2 perusing the food court menus, in…

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  • Cafes, Bars & Brasseries of Paris, Part 4

    Cafes, Bars & Brasseries of Paris, Part 4

    The cafes, bars and brasseries at the street corners of Paris are alluring, especially as evening descends. They attract residents and tourists alike to immerse themselves in the city’s vibrant street life. The patrons socialize, play with their phone, have a smoke, gossip, flirt, or simply enjoy a meal. These sidewalk establishments also offer anyone…

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  • Cafes, Bars & Brasseries of Paris, Part 3

    Cafes, Bars & Brasseries of Paris, Part 3

    This multi-part compilation is not a ‘best of’ selection; however, some of the sidewalk cafes featured are famous or historic. The photographs were captured mostly in passing. While we have not frequented each establishment, the idea is tempting and accomplishable. Click to see more of the series: Part 1 and Part 2. Parisian corner cafes, bars,…

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  • Cafes, Bars & Brasseries of Paris, Part 2

    Cafes, Bars & Brasseries of Paris, Part 2

    This multi-part compilation is not a ‘best of’ selection; however, some of the sidewalk cafes featured are famous or historic. The photographs were captured many in passing. While we have not frequented every establishment, the idea is tempting and accomplishable. Click here to see Part 1 of the series. Parisian street corners come alive with…

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