Category: design

  • Valley Gallery, the latest by Tadao Ando on Naoshima

    Valley Gallery, the latest by Tadao Ando on Naoshima

    Continuing with our day trip on Naoshima 直島 in the Inland Sea of Japan… If you are just joining us, you may enjoy reading our earlier posts on Naoshima at: Art & Architecture on Naoshima, Ando Museum, Hiroshi Sugimoto Gallery, and Benesse House Museum. We propose another piece of music by David Sylvian to accompany…

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  • A Day at SFMOMA, Part 1

    A Day at SFMOMA, Part 1

    Since we moved to the Bay Area, we really enjoyed our last visit to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA). If we do this regularly, perhaps we should become a member of the museum. SFMOMA The 7-floor museum is located in the downtown area. It was expanded in 2016 by Snøhetta whose design…

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  • Hello world!

    Hello world!

    Welcome to our soon-to-relaunch website. Watch this space ! To receive notification of new content, subscribe.

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  • Musée Yves Saint Laurent and Jardin Majorelle, Marrakech, Morocco

    Musée Yves Saint Laurent and Jardin Majorelle, Marrakech, Morocco

    We had a guide/driver for a day in Marrakech and he brought us to Musée Yves Saint Laurent, Marrakech (mYSLm). Concurrent with the opening of Musée Yves Saint Laurent, Paris (Av. Marceau), the Foundation Pierre Bergé-Yves Saint Laurent created this museum in 2017 with the Foundation Jardin Majorelle. A retrospective movie Yves Saint Laurent was…

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  • Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam

    Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam

    This museum is the most unexpected place I visited in the Museumpark area. See earlier posts here and here about this area of Rotterdam. This is not a destination museum for me as I (Chris) have not heard of it before. The entrance courtyard is stunning  – boldly marked by zebra stripes producing an optical effect.…

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  • Kelvingrove Art Gallery & Museum, Glasgow

    Kelvingrove Art Gallery & Museum, Glasgow

    We spent only two days in Glasgow – clearly not enough. But we nevertheless managed to visit the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. It has been one of Scotland’s most popular visitor attractions since it reopened in 2006 after a three-year refurbishment. The gallery first opened in 1901. The scope of its collection is wide ranging,…

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