Cafes, Bars & Brasseries of Paris, Part 7

Hope you are enjoying the Olympics games in Paris on TV or in person! The city must be packed full of athletes and spectators in addition to the summer tourists. The cafes, bars and brasseries at the street corners of Paris are filled with passion and atmosphere. Wish we can be there this summer.

This multi-part compilation is not a ‘best of’ selection; however, some of the places featured are famous or historic. The photographs were captured mostly in passing. While we have not frequented every establishment, the idea is tempting and accomplishable. Click to see more of the series: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4Part 5, and Part 6.

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Le Germain – rue de Buci x rue de Seine (6e)

Le Buci – rue Mazarine x rue Dauphine (6e)

Le Bimbo – rue des Trois Frères x rue Chappe (18e)

Au Clairon des Chasseurs – Place du Tertre, Montmartre (18e)

Au Cadet de Gascogne – Place du Tertre, Montmartre (18e)

Le Consulat – rue Norvins x rue Saint-Rustique (18e)

La Bonne Franquette – Rue de Saules x Rue Saint-Rustique (18e)

Le Vrai Paris – rue des Abbesses x rue Germain Pilon (18e)

Ladurée – rue Bonaparte x rue Jacob (6e) – okay, this is strictly speaking not a cafe … but a tea room.

Le Étienne Marcel, rue Étienne Marcel x rue Montmatre (2e)

These photos were taken in central Paris between November 2021 and January 2022. Part 8 is coming soon.


