Berlin: 5 nights of opulent minimalism

Grand Hyatt, like all chain hotels, look alike – the one in Berlin is an exception.  It was one of the 19 buildings built in the no-man’s land near the Wall (Postdamer Platz), by José Rafael Moneo.  The interiors was described by Wallpaper as “opulent minimalism” – I am not sure what it means or how it should feel.  But I liked my bathroom, especially the enclosed shower and tub combo, and the blueish gray marble.

There is a TV above the shaving mirror, is it necessary ?

The conference rooms are each named after one of the 19 architects.Anyone could have done those wall paintings, just need a ladder.

Just in case you are stuck in the elevator, you can sit down while waiting to be rescued.

You can tell the floor by the sculpture in the elevator lobby, this is the donut on the 6th floor- the balls and flute above is on the 3rd floor.

Eames …


