A Country Cat

One Autumn day last year, we and J and J went for a short hike on the Sentier du patrimoine de Romainmôtier. On our way back to our car, near Croy, we walked along a beautiful idyllic garden path. It runs behind a row of houses along a stream, separating the back of each house from a patch of land on which the owners planted flowers and vegetables.

It is on this path where we encountered this country cat.

Clearly, this cat wanted to let us know that it owns the green carpeted passage as it slowly paced toward us, stone-faced.

It walked right in the middle of the path and steadily marched up to us, seemingly not amused.

But, we were distracted by something else, and ignored it completely (except my camera). The cat looked deflated when we started to walk away.Since human attention was not available, it started grooming.

Bye, country cat.

[googlemaps http://maps.google.com/maps?q=46.693806,6.475545&num=1&vpsrc=6&hl=en&ie=UTF8&t=h&ll=46.694285,6.475711&spn=0.003532,0.006866&z=17&output=embed&w=640&h=480]

This place is about 45 minutes drive away from where we live, 15 minutes from the French border,  and the green arrow points to the path.

In case you missed it, we had a very popular post about the French existential cat, Henri.

