Moving to Lausanne

We just moved – from Neuchâtel to Lausanne – actually been here for 2 weeks already but did not have access to the internet until Swisscom gots its act together last week.  That partially explains why there were no blog post for a while.

In this past 2 weeks, beside moving our stuff to the new place, we received and unpacked our belongings from the US which had been in storage for the last 6 months.  We also took delivery of our car but currently do not have a parking space – it is parked on the city street overnight.

I also spent 3 days in Munich and then Sis came to stay with us for a week.  While she was here, we went furniture shopping and took day trips from Lausanne to La Chaux de Fonds, Bern, Vevey and Yvoire (by boat from Nyon).  As if there were not enough traveling, I will be heading to Washington DC on Sunday.  So I have little time to update the blog.

But do check back soon though as I have a backlog of stories and pictures to share, including pictures of our new place !




3 responses to “Moving to Lausanne”

  1. tracy Avatar

    finally! congrats!

  2. Julia Avatar

    Hope you and Sue enjoy the new place.

  3. Steve Chen Avatar
    Steve Chen

    that are a lot of things been done! Can’t wait to see your new home…