Farewell – Bon Voyage and Solari Boards

This post is dedicated to a friend, JL who departed recently.

A while back, we did a post on Louis Vuitton and the use of Solari di Udine board to sell luggage in its NY flagship store.

We mused then:

I bet these boards must have appeared in dozens of movies to help depict the sorrow of separation or the anticipation of loved ones’ arrival.  Like a towering travel deity, making destinations appear and disappear, announcing delays and last calls, it literally spells out the fates of travellers standing beneath it.  As if to counter the traveller’s anxiety or boredom, it makes a strangely soothing, mesmerizing “tsktsk” sounds as the tiny tiles flip in tandem to form its message.

We thought Solari boards are becoming a thing of the past. It might be true for airports but these boards are alive and well in Swiss train stations.

At Lausanne. “Nous vous souhaitons un agreable voyage.”


At Bern. Tiles in motion. “tsktsk”


At Geneva airport rail station.


And at Zurich airport rail station.


See our earlier LV – Solari di Udine post here.

Farewell and Bon Voyage.

